Monthly Digest of Chinese Documentaries | June, 2018


作者:Li Feifei




  Being A Book Fanatic


  Keywords: Book, Book fanatic

  Length: 25min, 4 episodes

  Release Date: April 23, 2018 (Mainland China)

  Produced by: CCTV

  Director: Fan Ruyu, Zeng xin, Luo Yingluan, Yang Lizhu, Wang Yueyang, Liu Ruohan

  Synopsis: It describes the stories of people who love books. Four chapters are presented from the perspectives of bookmaking, bookstores, book designers, and book sellers. The first episode traces the birth process of a book and tells how book designers, authors, and editors collaborate to make a book. The second episode finds and records bookstores that are still devoted to promoting reading in the context of “fast food culture”. The third episode follows book seekers and makes a “treasure map” for book fanatics. The last episode records how those book sellers find good books for fans and find home for excellent books.



  Light of Life


  Keywords: Small potatoes, Life

  Length: 28min, 13 episodes

  Release Date: January 3, 2018 (Mainland China)

  Produced by: Cicada Modern Culture Co., Ltd.

  Director: Zhou Xiaomeng

  Synopsis: The ability to listening is urgently needed in this age and day. As the first observation documentary on the internet in China, this documentary has recorded the life of people for three days and nights. The workers of the team stayed at a place, observing small potatoes in this era. What strikes people is not the breathtaking experience but the serious attitude toward life. Nobodies follow their heart and move forward step by step. Even they are nobodies, they take life seriously, which also moves everyone.


  老广的味道 3

  A Bite of Guangdong 3


  Keywords: Guangdong, Food

  Length: 45min, 6 episodes

  Release Date: February 17, 2018 (Mainland China)

  Produced by: GDTV

  Director: Li Yiping

  Synopsis: The team of this documentary goes to Guangdong to explore the secrets of Cantonese cuisine. This documentary records how Cantonese explore the most delicious food hidden in the mountain and the sea, how they follow the solar terms to alter the diet, how they make delicious food with simple hearts and how food make them healthier. It searches for the local and special secret food and reveal the people behind the cuisine.


  大国重器 2

  The Pillars of A Great Power 2


  Keywords: Equipment manufacturing industry, China

  Length: 50min, 8 episodes

  Release Date: February 26, 2018 (Mainland China)

  Produced by: CCTV

  Director: Wang Liping

  Synopsis: It records the innovation and development of China's equipment manufacturing industry with a unique perspective and shocking scenes. The documentary vividly tells how wise Chinese develop this industry by portraying characters and describing details of their manufacture, presenting the hardships of the rise of China’s equipment manufacturing industry. While fully explaining the innovation achievements of China, it also looks forward to the bright future in which this industry will be shifting toward high-end manufacturing.



  I’m Going to Xinjiang


  Keywords: Xinjiang, Dream

  Length: 30min, 8 episodes

  Release Date: May 20, 2018 (Mainland China)

  Produced by: Shanghai Jianghange Culture Investment Development Co., Ltd.

  Director: Kurbanjan Samat

  Synopsis: It tells the stories of people who love Xinjiang and fight for their life there. The main characters are the former Minister of Culture, Wang Meng, the member of the national committee of CPPCC, Yang Minde, the Chinese professional basketball coach, Li Qiuping, the Shanghai Doctor who supports Xinjiang’s development, Peng Xiaochun and other more than 20 ordinary but typical characters. Xinjiang is not a place with beautiful scenery but also a place where people may realize their dreams.
